Get freelance writing jobs
BEwriters provides an excellent career opportunity to work from home for people from over the world
Become our writer
53,767Happy clients
463,733Completed projects
1,442,527Pages written
What you get
We offer you full freedom:
no time constraints, a variety of job choices and a 24/7 support. On top of that, our platform provides competitive compensation, motivational bonuses, and opportunities to learn something new every day! A variety of useful downloadable sources, templates, and samples along with free online courses will help you become a real adept even if freelance writing is something absolutely new to you!
Order rates depend on the complexity of the task, its volume, and delivery time.
In addition to the base price, we have multiple bonus incentives that reward the best freelancers for their professionalism and loyalty.
We do not set any rules as to the number of completed jobs, so it is always up to you how much to work.
Freelancers on the platform provide original content of high quality
We value high-quality original content.
For this reason, we provide regular feedback for freelancers on their progress and always encourage them to grow professionally with us by taking our online learning courses, and constant feedback from personal Success Managers. Unfortunately, we are forced to stop cooperation with those who do not meet our standards and constantly show poor performance (check out our
policies for more information). Fortunately, there are very few of them, so do not hesitate and take up your chance to become a real adept in writing!
What our
writers say

Los Angeles, CA
The platform gives equal opportunity to their freelancers. Success managers and operators are very accessible and approachable at all times. When I need something or I have a query they are always there to support you and give necessary answers and sometimes they go beyond answering what you asked them for.

Paranaque City, Philippines
The working process is awesome! My success manager is professional and at the same time friendly and kind. I also like the support team. They always make everything clear and try to help.

Johannesburg, South Africa
I like how it’s easy to access and unlike other freelance webs where the clients select you, here you select the orders you want

Costa Rica
I believe that it's a good learning experience and it makes work easy. I don't need to wait to find orders and the rewarding system is cool.

What I like the most is that the pay is fair because it depends on the workload you chose. The bonuses are motivating as well. The teams are also very responsive!

Being a freelance writer is a totally new experience for me. I have learned so much here. I am so glad that I came across your hiring ad, applied and made it! Most of all, I am amazed at how quickly response to query and feedback are made considering time difference. I am proud to be onboard.